Sunday, November 9, 2014

Theodicy and Tolkien

My fav movie scenes Lord of the rings "There is some good in this world and it's worth fighting for"

Uploaded on Aug 29, 2008
....This is a scene from Lord of the rings 2nd part i.e. The two towers... The Frodo and Samwise are on the seemingly impossible task of destroying the ring...


  1. Love this scene. Although Frodo is pretty much the main character, Sam was the real hero. This is a good scene that brings up some questions about theodicy, and why we must continue to fight to be "good". Great scene.

  2. me too! It is probably my fav. Sam also has always been my favorite character .... he is the example the kind of person I aspire to be

  3. The Lord of the Rings movies have never sparked an interest in me, but this scene looked very interesting. I can see a major conflict that they go through in order to keep good in their world. Maybe ill watch the Lord of the Rings movies because it seems pretty cool

  4. Although I’ve never watched “Lord of The Rings” I really liked the message that was illustrated in this scene. If more people in the world applied this to their lives and fought for what is good, the world would be a better place. This movie seems very interesting, ill definitely check it out!

  5. I totally agree with Amina. The message portrayed is a message that I feel more people should take into account! Many people, I believe, think they need to do unto others when others do bad unto them. I don't find this true. I feel like we should always do what's good, for ourselves and for everyone, no matter the situation.

  6. This scene shows how important it is to fight for good. I never watched the movie but this scene can be used on our daily life. Just because the world is evil doesn't mean there still is some good in it. Just because driving on the Turnpike someone cuts you off doesn't mean all drivers will do it.

  7. I think Sam is honestly a guardian angel in this scene. He seems to protect Frodo from himself. Even Smeagel is touched by Sam's honesty and love. It is a good message because everybody in the world faces evil and temptations and fall to them. A recovering addict can easily fall from grace just as Frodo saw it tempting to put on the ring. I think Sam played a role of a higher being.

  8. This is one of my favorite scenes of the entire trilogy, its so inspiring and it can totally be applied to not just the movie but also the real world. Frodo is about to give up, but Sam motivates him to keep fighting for the good of this world. Overall one of the best and most inspiring scenes of the movie.

  9. Although I do not know the details of this book, I just want to say that this movie was awesomely created. The picture seems so clear and easy to watch. Also, the content of this scene has a great moral lesson. This shows that when faced with temptation, you turn into a different person and you start to lose yourself. Their friendships is portrayed so well in this scene and I enjoyed it. The ring needs to go!

  10. This video simply shows that we all will fall into temptation. We are human beings and we will commit both good and bad. Hopefully we have more friends like Sam that can help us through these certain situations that can change your life.

  11. This is a beautiful scene were good vs evil is demonstrated. When Frodo has lost all hope in the world and was willing to give up, Sam comes in and shines a light of hope. There will always be a great amount of evil in this world, but in the slimmest moment good will appear and over power evil. We just have to keep fighting for it.

  12. This scene is awesome for many reasons. One that stood out to me was that sometimes we do want to quit because situations can be so hard sometimes that it seems like the easiest thing to do is to just give up. But we need to remember to see the bigger picture and we need people sometimes around us to help give us strength and serve as a reminder.

  13. I completely agree with Melanie. I would like to believe that everyone has a "good" side. Nobody can be 100% good and no one can be 100% bad. This is why we should never intentionally hurt others or do wrong unto others because of their negative actions. This scene is inspiring because it shows that we should always do what's better for ourselves and everyone else.

  14. I have never seen this movie, but I enjoyed this scene. It gave me that warm feeling in your stomach that you get when you know something is right. He is fighting for a good cause, and I wish more people were like this in the real world. It is a very inspiring scene.

  15. I was never really a fan of "Lord of The Rings" but this was a good scene. To me it portrayed a constant battle people today go through. We seem to fight with ourselves to stay good and not give in to the bad even when it is so easy to do.

  16. I feel like Sam's struggle throughout the movies is often overlooked. He really didn't get anything out of joining Frodo on his journey but just wanted to be a good friend and make sure he was safe.
