Thursday, June 18, 2015

Armed Anti-Islam Protesters Rally At Phoenix Mosque

This is fascinating ....


  1. I am so shocked by this. It really feels as though were moving back in time instead of forward. How can people still be so ignorant!

  2. This is insane. There is no such thing as peaceful forms of expression. It is so upsetting to see the ignorance and spitefulness between these people.

  3. This is insane. There is no such thing as peaceful forms of expression. It is so upsetting to see the ignorance and spitefulness between these people.

  4. I find this appalling how the protestors came armed in front of a mosque, especially when Ramadan is happening right now, no type of respect or concern for people's values and traditions

  5. How can people be so close minded in such a developed country as the US? Islam does not mean terrorism and people should be free to practice their religion. That is shameful especially because it occurs in front of a sacred place.
