Thursday, February 4, 2016


Horrified cabbies pick up 'GHOST PASSENGERS' in area devastated by 2011 Japan tsunami

In each instance, the story is similar.

A taxi driver in north-east Japan picks up a passenger in an area devastated by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

He starts the meter and asks for the destination, to which the customer gives a strange response.
Either then, or sometime later, the driver turns around to address the man or woman - but the passenger has vanished.

This is because, it is claimed, it was a 'ghost passenger' who was, in fact, killed in the disaster five years ago.

At least seven taxi drivers in Ishinomaki have reported such an experience of a 'phantom fare', according to The Asahi Shimbun newspaper.

The coastal town in Miyagi Prefecture was among the regions most seriously affected by the deadly tsunami, which killed nearly 16,000 people in total.

More than 3,000 Ishinomaki residents lost their lives in the tragedy, including 70 students and nine staff members at Ishinomaki Okawa Elementary School.

Ms Kudo said that her research suggests that the drivers believed they were picking up genuine passengers - because they each started their meters.

For the full article, click here


  1. This is so creepy but I am not sure how to feel about these highway ghost stories. I have heard about stories regarding hitch-hikers who are actually ghosts, that's evil.

  2. This was scary! The fact that many taxi drivers experienced this scare is even more haunting.

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  5. This is terrifying; and I am quite surprised one taxi cab driver admitted he/she is still willing to drive any ghost(s) around. - Michael Ulloa

  6. this is very scary, I feel bad for the taxi drivers that went through this.

  7. That's pretty horrifying, hopefully the spirits dont follow them around

  8. That's pretty interesting but not unfamiliar; this is a common tale in my opinion. I'm not against this being a possible phenomenon, the cab drivers don't really seem to have anything to gain from lying about their accounts. In regards to saying it's common, someone mentioned about hitch-hikers being given a ride only to have the hikers being ghosts. My own mom had something similar happen to her in regards to what the cab drivers experienced except roles were reversed; instead of a cab driver getting a ghost, my mom got a ghost cab driver. -Kuarich Galicia

  9. Very interesting yet scary article. I can't even imagine what some of those taxi drivers felt.

  10. In the modern world, natural disasters such as this major Tsunami in Japan are read about and forgotten shortly after by the majority of people living in first world countries. Whether or not the eerie accounts are true, it makes me feel that the tales attract attention to the disaster, unlike a regular news article that states only what occurred. As if, we need something intriguing linked to bad news to shed some basic humanity about a tragic modern day disaster that happens on the other side of the world. If this Tsunami happened anywhere in the West, all we would be doing is talking about it for the next decade, ghost story or not.

    --Awmna Rana (4 PM Religions Class)

  11. This is so creepy and it reminded me of an episode of Supernatural.

  12. I don't think there's anything scarier than speaking to someone and then out of no where, they disappear. Pretty creepy.

  13. Being a cab driver in Japan must be an eerie job now. I can only imagine the shiver they get behind their neck as they drive around.

  14. Being a cab driver in Japan must be an eerie job now. I can only imagine the shiver they get behind their neck as they drive around.

  15. It's personally hard for me to believe that something as intense as this has happened. Although it is quite sketchy, it is also severely important to know about things like this that is going on the world because you never know what could happen near or to you.

  16. This is a cool article about a numinous experience. I feel bad that the cab drivers wasted their gas driving around ghosts.

  17. dang i'd be freaked out and astonished at the same time. i'd at least know now that there is such a thing as an after life.

  18. This is a very interesting numinous experience. I enjoyed watching this video.

  19. I would find that a bit scary due to the fact I'm a taxi driver driving ghost passengers to a ghost town. I wouldn't able to tell whats real and whats not anymore

  20. I feel like this was just a numinous experience, although frightening for the driver!

  21. If I was the driver, I would have probably been traumatized after such experience.

  22. This is really creepy, I guess when a lot of people pass away in a particular area it really becomes a ghost town.

  23. This really seems surreal to me and it is a little hard to believe such a thing could happen.

  24. This seems kind of strange and I am not sure whether I should believe it or not. Ghost passengers seem kind of unrealistic but I was not there so I could be wrong.

  25. This seems kind of strange and I am not sure whether I should believe it or not. Ghost passengers seem kind of unrealistic but I was not there so I could be wrong.

  26. This seems extremely strange and kind of scary in a sense but it's something that I would like to find out more information about.

  27. I'm not obsessed with these encounters but I find this fascinating. I think that sort of mystery is amazing.
