Monday, April 18, 2016

How Powerful Is The Flying Spaghetti Monster?

Published on Mar 28, 2016
What Does The Future Of Religion Look Like?


  1. After watching this video i grew a little concerned about the future of what religious beliefs will become in the years to come. "Jedi-ism" really lol

  2. As an Atheist I believe that Pastafarianism and Jedi-ism are as realistic and credible as any other religion. In my opinion they're all part of a world of science-fiction. Other than that it was a very funny and interesting video!

  3. After seeing this video, I'm now starting to think religion is a joke to some people. I know I wouldn't want to believe anything and everything.

  4. This is a pretty funny video and I liked the puns he was making! I can't believe people actually follow a religion based on pasta and pirates.

  5. The puns were very punny :P. It was very interesting

  6. The puns were very punny :P. It was very interesting

  7. I thought this video was funny and interesting!

  8. this video is pretty funny lol!!!

  9. I never would think that people would base their beliefs off of food. Religion for some people aren't that serious as it is for others.

  10. I never would think that people would base their beliefs off of food. Religion for some people aren't that serious as it is for others.

  11. It really is a shame what its come down to. Pasta and Pirates? The satire is real.

  12. You have to appreciate the creativity of these arising satirical religions!

  13. This video made absolutely no sense to me whatsoever!

  14. These people must love Olive Garden.

  15. Considering that I don't consider myself as one who follows the faith of a specific religion, it seems that any type of religion can be justified. I think that a religion can be as real as one thinks for it to be. However, these satirical religions are very unorthodox and didn't think that such would exist.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. many many years from now there will probably be a religion for every phenomena

  16. I'm surprised people would actually believe in this. It's true what they say: you can do anything you set your mind too.

  17. I'm surprised people would actually believe in this. It's true what they say: you can do anything you set your mind too.

  18. when I first heard about this I thought it was crazy. but I understand the movement, many religions stem off of rebelling against a main religion. I dont think that these people actually believe that there is a flying spaghetti monster but their messege about religion is clear. im interested in reading more about last thursdayism and jedism haha

  19. After reading this I am not only afraid because of the strange things our world is accepting but also power of wanting to believe in something higher than yourself.

  20. This might seem strange to some people but its a belief. everyone has different believes and yes it is strange but we all believe in strange things.

  21. This might seem strange to some people but its a belief. everyone has different believes and yes it is strange but we all believe in strange things.

  22. Well I can tell you one thing, it certainly is a creepy and tasty looking creature.

  23. Well I can tell you one thing, it certainly is a creepy and tasty looking creature.

  24. This video surprised me because I didn't think people would ever base a religion on pasta and pirates.

  25. I respect everyone's' belief, and my intent is never to offend any religious or non religious believer. I must say though that religion is a very big and powerful industry with a lot of money put into it. And a lot of things can be gotten away with using the pretext of religion, like the lady that wore a pasta colander on her head for a driver's license photo due to religious purposes.
    This video brings me back to a song that says "hay mas religiones que niƱos felices en el mundo" which translates to "there are more religions than happy children in the world".

  26. To look wrongly or be critical to someone else's beliefs or religion than that would be committing a form of egoism. To say that my religion is greater or more correct than someone else's would be incorrect in nature. No religion should be ruled out as long as one truly believes in their own religion.

  27. I've met a few people that have joked and spoke about this with me, and I personally find it comical. I do love pasta, but I won't be a Pastafarian any time soon, I'll just stick to being an Agnostic.

  28. It is wrong to go against someone else's religion which, in a way, leaves the door open for any religion to be made.

  29. It is wrong to go against someone else's religion which, in a way, leaves the door open for any religion to be made.

  30. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy pasta, but it being a central part of religion? very weird to me.

  31. I find that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is a social movement that promotes a light-hearted view of religion and opposes the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in public schools in this video.

  32. In no disrespect what so ever, this is pretty funny to me. Believing in pasta as some divine power? I thought this was a parody religion, but evidently there are many followers. Are they all just going with the joke or do they really believe in a spaghetti monster?
