Friday, July 1, 2016

As a psychiatrist, I diagnose mental illness. And, sometimes, demonic possession.

How a scientist learned to work with exorcists.

Richard Gallagher is a board-certified psychiatrist and a professor of clinical psychiatry at New York Medical College. He is at work on a book about demonic possession in the United States.

A psychiatrist discusses the growing phenomenon of demonic possession in the Washington Post

"Ignorance and superstition have often surrounded stories of demonic possession in various cultures, and surely many alleged episodes can be explained by fraud, chicanery or mental pathology. But anthropologists agree that nearly all cultures have believed in spirits, and the vast majority of societies (including our own) have recorded dramatic stories of spirit possession. Despite varying interpretations, multiple depictions of the same phenomena in astonishingly consistent ways offer cumulative evidence of their credibility.

As a psychoanalyst, a blanket rejection of the possibility of demonic attacks seems less logical, and often wishful in nature, than a careful appraisal of the facts. As I see it, the evidence for possession is like the evidence for George Washington’s crossing of the Delaware. In both cases, written historical accounts with numerous sound witnesses testify to their accuracy."
"The Vatican does not track global or countrywide exorcism, but in my experience and according to the priests I meet, demand is rising. The United States is home to about 50 “stable” exorcists — those who have been designated by bishops to combat demonic activity on a semi-regular basis — up from just 12 a decade ago."

"I am aware of the way many psychiatrists view this sort of work. While the American Psychiatric Association has no official opinion on these affairs, the field (like society at large) is full of unpersuadable skeptics and occasionally doctrinaire materialists who are often oddly vitriolic in their opposition to all things spiritual. My job is to assist people seeking help, not to convince doctors who are not subject to suasion. Yet I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the number of psychiatrists and other mental health practitioners nowadays who are open to entertaining such hypotheses. Many believe exactly what I do, though they may be reluctant to speak out."

click here to read the full article ...


  1. It was very interesting to read about a different scientific study of demonic exorcism that is usually though to be seen as a mental illness.

  2. Making the irrational and the intangible into something rational... what a concept.

  3. The fact demonic exorcism can be considered for scientific study in a rational manner is rather perplexing. And as it states, many people believe it but, not all are willing to speak out about it for fear of social change (going away from the norm).

  4. Usually science and anything spiritual don't mix, so it's interesting to see how a psychiatrist was able to decipher between a mental illness and something beyond that (demonic possession).

  5. Before I used to believe this stuff was fake.

  6. I find this article truly amazing, although it goes against what I believe, it was very mind opening.
