Sunday, January 25, 2015


Here is the Prezi for Week 3, SACRED POWER


  1. Great Prezi professor its really informative!

  2. The essence or the beginning of religion does remain a concern today, but in the book it was kind of sad to see that some people have given up on that aspect of religion, where did it come from? how did it start? I think it's be great to have concrete answers to those questions.

  3. Loved the Prezi professor. It was very informative and easy to understand. It described the concept of sacred power very well and gives specific information on sacred time, space and icons.

  4. Loving these Prezis, it's a great visual aid and, unfortunately, none of my teachers use this tool. Thanks for summarizing and clarifying the important points. Often times in the book, Livingston repeats information unnecessarily, confusing me even more than necessary, so these Prezis often clear up misconceptions.

  5. Your Prezis are so much better than the powerpoints on blackboard as well as reading Linvingston's book, great work professor!

  6. I definitely prefer your Prezis over the book! Its the perfect study aid.

  7. the prezis are better than the power points. they are easier to understand and easy to follow. all notes should be used on prezi.

  8. I think the Prezi summarizes the chapter pretty well. I think this chapter discusses what sets religion apart from a philosophy and that is the concept of the numinous experience. It's all about believing and experiencing something apart from the physical realm.

  9. This prezi is a great source of information, and it's also a lot nicer to look at than the black and white aesthetic of the textbook! I was especially interested in the idea of sacred space, and how mundane objects can hold spiritual meaning, such as the Buddhist mandala that symbolizes "the cosmic pattern of the universe", as Livingston states in the textbook. Overall great presentation!

  10. I like your Prezi presentation and I really like how the words Mysterium Tremendum and Fascinans describe exactly how a numinous experience feels like. Three simple but powerful words.

  11. I really like how creative Prezi presentations are and how you incorporated all the chapter had to offer concerning sacred power and the explanation of numinous experiences.

  12. Thank you for making and sharing this awesome Prezi! It was really easy to follow, and honestly it is more entertaining than the PowerPoints and the book. Livingston's writing is usually difficult to follow because it is very redundant and he includes a lot of unnecessary information.

  13. I prefer Prezis over the book because they are more interactive, and less complicated than the book. Thank You for publishing this Prezi because it helped me with the quiz.

  14. Loved this Prezi! It honestly does make it easier to understand the chapters in company of the powerpoints as well. Prezi's just have a cuter layout and makes it funner to study and grasp the concept we are trying to get by for the week.

  15. I loved the Prezi Professor!!! I really like the way you link each chapter with our daily lives. It makes it personal and not just "academic". This way, we will remember these chapters longer.

  16. I really enjoyed this Prezi and this chapter; it emphasizes the most important aspects of the sacred. The aspects that I regard the most important are sacred time and sacred space. We, as humans, need sacred times of holiday, times when we celebrate important events depending on our religions. We also need sacred spaces where we worship and venerate our Gods
