Saturday, May 16, 2015

Who are Nigeria's Boko Haram Islamists?

This is a current events news item sent to me by Rolando in REL3308

  Who are Nigeria's Boko Haram Islamists? 

By Farouk Chothia
BBC Africa

Nigeria's militant Islamist group Boko Haram - which has caused havoc in Africa's most populous country through a wave of bombings, assassinations and abductions - is fighting to overthrow the government and create an Islamic state.

 Boko Haram promotes a version of Islam which makes it "haram", or forbidden, for Muslims to take part in any political or social activity associated with Western society.

 This includes voting in elections, wearing shirts and trousers or receiving a secular education.

Boko Haram regards the Nigerian state as being run by non-believers, even when the country had a Muslim president - and it has extended its military campaign by targeting neighbouring states.


  1. This is so crazy to me and makes me scared for people in Africa. I hope they are able to put a stop to Boko Haram and put those people away for life for all the damage and havoc they have caused.

  2. Wow. I am in complete shock. Boko haram needs to stay away from these people. How can they just run in and try to take away there rights? Its unbelievable that they can target these people and bring so many issues into their lives.

  3. Its almost funny to think about how much they hate western society, as if we are the bad guys. Its scary to know that theres people out there who are causing harm thinking its for the greater good.

  4. Western society is different than what they are used to but it does not mean we are evil beings. We should all learn to accept and respect each other.

  5. It is so sad to see that these things are still happening in 2015.

  6. I chose this article because this gruesome acts of violence is just horrendous. Especially when done to innocent women and young girls. I have no sympathy for these radicals and strongly believe should be hunted and put to death!

  7. Unfortunately, this doesn't surprise me. Not much of what goes on in the name of religion does anymore. Those who would choose to interpret religion to such an extreme that they can justify violence have already gone round the bend.
