Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sacred Scripture Part 1- the Hebrew Torah

The Origins Of The Torah - The Documentary Hypothesis

Published on May 23, 2016
The Bible is the best-selling book ever. But who wrote it? According to the Documentary Hypothesis, the first five books (the Torah or Pentateuch) are actually a combination of four or more sources created by different authors over many centuries.


  1. This video was very interesting. I didn't know a lot of the things stated in the video. For example how it was a collection of books. Although I did know about Genesis 6:19, "two of all creatures".

    Melany Sanchez
    PID 5063302

  2. Andrea Perez Power
    PID: 5058098

    I was never raised within a very religious household, so I don't really know much about the bible. I didn't know that it was a collection of books, but I did know about the story of Adam and Eve from my parents who transferred some religious knowledge when I was a child. I appreciate religion for what it signifies, hope and strength, no matter what religion.
