Friday, September 12, 2014

Today's Lecture on Spiritual Energy


  1. As William Paden (2003) says,
    “Sacredness is both a way of constructing the world and a way that objects are felt to act upon the adherents. It is both a value given to objects (a value manifested in behavior toward the objects) and an awesome experience of those objects (experienced as openings to or from another, transcendent realm).”

  2. I find the concept of sacred energy very interesting. I do believe in healings and that some people are gifted with the power of healing, but I also believe that humans have the ability to go far beyond our own limitations. Positive thinking, is one example that I believe has true power within humans.

  3. I believe in spiritual energy, but I think a lot of times people think they have spiritual energy when they actually don’t. In the Hindu example the boy might have thought he was healed but it was probably his head playing games with him. Since he truly believed that by his mom’s praying would heal him, he was convinced that he was healed.

  4. I often think about spiritual energy and the metaphysical. In my mind I wonder whether a wanted personal outcome is due to such energies or a more psychologically explained placebo effect, such as you think you're going to be happier or healthier and so you are. In reality, we'll really never know but if you get the result you wanted, does it really matter how?

  5. This is probably the part of religion that I disagree the most with. It is hard for me to really believe anything supernatural. I know Carl Jung has made note of the collective unconsciousness in an academic way but even that is hard for me to believe. When people shared stories in class it made me reassess some of the things that I believed to be true. Honestly it is hard to also just not acknowledge the fact that so many people have similar experiences. So what does that say about sacred power? It goes against science but so many people experience it.

  6. Learning about the spiritual energy was really fun. I liked to hear different stories and the examples of healing in different religions, because each religion sees the concept of spiritual energy differently. I personally believe in the existence of healing and spiritual energy, and I think that a lot of the times prayers can really help.

  7. This chapter was one of my favorites, learning and getting some information about spiritual energy really put another perspective on sacred energy on me. i really enjoyed this chapter because i was really interested in this subject

  8. As a catholic i do believe in spiritual healing. I believe this chapter was very powerful and informative. It used great examples and was very easily understood. Good presentation.

  9. When it comes to spiritual energy and healing, I find myself indifferent sometimes. There are times when I would correlate something that happened to me praying for it. However, there are times when this doesn't work and I start to question it. How would we know if it actually works unless it works every single time?

  10. My favorite part about learning about spiritual energy and healing was listening to personal experiences that some students in class has had. I do believe that someone can get healed spiritually, and this actually made me think of my closest cousin. She's obsessed with hearing about experiences like the ones told in class.

  11. This was one of my favorite chapters. I enjoy learning about the spiritual energy, and I do believe it plays a part in things that happen in our lives. I read this book the secret, and one part of it was the "law of attraction"; pretty much stating that if you want something bad enough and believe that you will get it, then it will come to you through good energy.
