Monday, February 27, 2017

Sufism, rhythm, vibration, harmony and sound

Within the sayings and practices of both Sufism and music, one can find all the necessary conditions that are needed to cultivate higher states of observation and consciousness.  Upon the attainment of these higher states, says scholar Irene Markoff, the seeker can finally achieve the desired “spiritual intoxication (wajd) and a unique and intimate union, even annihilation (fana’), in the supreme being.”
In Sufi music, this practice is known as Samāʿ (Arabic: “listening”). It is the mystical approach of practicing “listening” in order to achieve remembrance (Dhikr) of the divine spark in our heart of hearts. Through chanting — and while in a mystical trance — participants reinforce their ecstatic state with the aim of reaching a “direct knowledge (maʿrifah) of God or Reality (ḥaqq).”

Hazrat Inayat Khan writes in The Mysticism of Sound and Music, “Before its incarnation the soul is sound. It is for this reason that we love sound.”
the Vedanta speaks of Nada Brahma, the Sound-God

Rhythm (The Law of Motion)
The law of motion lies at the heart of Creation, which is a dynamic environment and not a static one.  Planets rotate around their own centers while circumambulating around others, and entire solar systems move harmoniously while positioned on the spires of galaxies. These, in turn, are part of bigger galactic clusters that also move together, and so on. For the Sufi way, especially in music and dance, rhythm is not limited to ideas such as motion and progress, but also extends to ecstasy and intoxication.
Vibrations and Polarity
To put it in simpler terms, vibrations are the forces that instigate the perpetual motion of matter, and rhythm is the particular flow of these forces at any given time. Both are essential to the process that will eventuate in what in my view constitutes the Cosmic Pulse.

Harmony and the Music of Life
All the elements we have discussed need to come together, and be applied simultaneously, in order to contribute towards what in my view is the foundation of all beauty: harmony.
In our daily lives, this corresponds to the agreement of virtues, feelings, and thoughts within us. It is our duty towards our better health and wellness to strive to achieve a sacred symmetry between our mind, body, and soul.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Perhaps this provides some reason to the "Om" in many meditators seeking higher levels of consciousness. Supposedly, this "Om" is replicating the ambient frequency of our planet. Perhaps it has some influence in pushing one towards that desired state of mind.

    Kyle Peche
    PID: 5865833

  3. The Law of Motion may be a argumentive debate and correlates to how we have come into creation. From the way we talk, interact, and view our world, the Law of Motion is a important theory that helps define how the universe is in one accord and realtes heavily on individuals that reside there.

    PID: 5822108
