Sunday, March 29, 2015

~ Sufi saying: 3 gates before you speak


  1. Awww I really really like this!

  2. These are the great words. There is also a saying that "the words spoken by a tongue are more sharp than the arrows coming out of a bow."

  3. me too, it is good wisdom. Thanks for tracking with the blog ladies!

  4. This is pragmatics at its best. I remember learning this last fall semester.

  5. I need to start using the 3 gates more often. Sometimes when I talk I just don't have a filter and immediately regret saying what I said. And usually when I do this, its a mixture of being cruel, untrue, and unnecessary. These were good words of wisdom. And I really like the saying that Romaisa used too.

  6. I really like this post and agree that it contains great words of wisdom that can help people guide their thoughts in a way that portrays them adequately. This also demonstrates that words are powerful and should be used correctly.

  7. I like this post professor, some people just talk with no sense. Without thinking the consequences their words have. Wise words.

  8. Love this post, we sometimes are so quick to speak...

  9. Absolutely love this quote! Whatever you say has an impact, not only on yourself, but on the people around you. I am the sort of person who thinks of these things before I speak because it is important to be mindful, no matter what situation you're faced with.

  10. I definitely think that using this before speaking can help us build a more understanding relationship with the people all around us.

  11. This is a great post! If we were to go through the gates more often, we would definitely offend less people.

  12. Truly a wise saying. If everyone applied this not only would the world be a better place, but we would also save ourselves a lot of unnecessary complications in our daily lives.

  13. I really like this saying. Sometimes people are to quick to say things and it is better to think things through in order to avoid conflict.

  14. Wonderfully wise saying! I believe that this world would actually benefit a lot if people think about what they are saying.

  15. I really liked this quote. My dad constantly reminded me of this when I was growing up. It is something that I constantly work on because words can be powerful.

  16. This is such a wonderful quote, and definitely something worth remembering. I think it's so important to remember to always think before speaking, no matter the situation. Everything that you say should either be important, the truth, or kind words (hopefully all three!).

  17. I love these three questions. Nowadays people say whatever they want without thinking how it will affect them or others. I try to think of these three questions before I say something but I have come to learn that I am not very good at it and need more practice haha

  18. This is very similar to the topic we discussed in class about whether we should be understanding of what people meant to say, or take words at face value. When we speak there is no undo button, and what we say affects those around us. This quote is absolutely true!

  19. I like it and I agree, There's a lot of people don't think before they say, so people who listen always get hurts.

  20. This is so true because something can be kind and true, but not necessary, or it can be kind, but not true or necessary. I believe that every word we say should be for edification and not to destroy. If we were all to genuinely follow this saying I feel that we'd be at much more peace with one another and with ourselves. Words have the power of life and death, so to follow this is to choose life.

  21. This is so true because something can be kind and true, but not necessary, or it can be kind, but not true or necessary. I believe that every word we say should be for edification and not to destroy. If we were all to genuinely follow this saying I feel that we'd be at much more peace with one another and with ourselves. Words have the power of life and death, so to follow this is to choose life.

  22. Love it! I will defiantly start using the three gates as of today.

  23. This is true. Think about what you want to say before you say it. Words have a powerful impact when you say things to other people.

  24. This quote was very inspirational since sometimes we do not make the right decisions, and the three "gates" symbolize the path towards that kindness and unselfishness.

  25. My mom instilled this in me when I was young.

  26. I think is a great message professor and think that everyone should abide by this message.

  27. The symbolism the three gates shows is very important and essential to live a happy life, its very thought provoking.

  28. I really think this is an important message to spread because so many people focus on saying things that they think will get them noticed and don't think about how their words can hurt people

  29. Very true, this makes us realize how sometimes we say things without thinking about these three aspects. We always have to think rationally before talking and making judgments.

  30. I really like this quote! I believe in thinking before you speak, because anything you say can really affect the other person and you should know what you are going to say and what reaction the person will probably have in order to not hurt anyone.

  31. Wowwww, absolutely love this!!! I think this quote needs to be seen and appreciated by everyone. The majority of the time, we talk just to talk but we should really take this into consideration because we do not realize that we can be hurting and defaming people with our words.

  32. Wow, this is an amazing quote! So many people do not think before they speak and I think this causes a major problem in communication today. Although we might not think we are saying something wrong, it is always good to think about it first because you could hurt someone else's feelings. These three questions can also help reduce a lot of drama!
