Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Today on March 24, 1980,

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24

On this day, March 24, we remember with heartfelt thanks the ever-faithful witness of Archbishop Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdémez and the Martyrs of El Salvador:
Almighty God, who didst call thy servant Óscar Romero to be a voice for the voiceless poor, and to give his life as a seed of freedom and a sign of hope: Grant that, inspired by his sacrifice and the example of the martyrs of El Salvador, we may without fear or favor witness to thy Word who abideth, thy Word who is Life, even Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with thee and the Holy Spirit, be praise and glory now and for ever. Amen

(Collect from Holy, Women, Holy Men: Celebrating the Saints)


  1. How terrible. I guess it was God's calling for him to be finally united with Christ.

  2. The story of Monseigneur Romero is key when studying his country's contemporary political history. His strides in favor of the underprivileged and his tragic death will always keep his memory alive.

  3. It is crazy how he was assassinated while offering Mass. I like Guillermo's comment of how maybe it was God's plan of having him united with Christ. Even though he was Roman Catholic he is also recognized by other churches and this shows how respectable his work was

  4. It is crazy how he was assassinated while offering Mass. I like Guillermo's comment of how maybe it was God's plan of having him united with Christ. Even though he was Roman Catholic he is also recognized by other churches and this shows how respectable his work was

  5. I'm in complete shock, some people don't respect Mass anymore which is completely sad.

  6. The film Romero was amazing. I cannot understand how such an influential and prominent figure can be assassinated by an ambitious and greedy government.

  7. This is tragic and I can't believe this happen. There was no respect what so ever!

  8. This is very sad, as I respect mass very much and its difficult to understand how people be like this.

  9. This is a very tragic event and a complete shame. The fact that this death/murder happened during a mass makes me think of certain terrorist efforts- as far apart those two may be. Just based on the fact that at times I feel like that in certain terrorist efforts, the effect is more important than the death itself. In this case, the effect of the when and how is most certainly the most impactful.

  10. The place where he was killed is just unbelievable and saddening really, just his death was a great tragedy and the fact that it was at mass is even more disrespectful and I don't understand how anyone can do these awful things without thinking of the consequences and morals.

  11. Wow, this is tragic. Such an amazing person who dedicated his life to helping others and doing the work of God to be brutally assassinated in the way he was, in the middle of mass, simply disgusting. May he rest in peace.
