Saturday, March 11, 2017

Crash Course in Cosmogony

Cosmic Sexy Time, Eggs, Seeds, and Water: Crash Course Mythology #3

Published on Mar 11, 2017
In which Mike teaches you about the creation of the universe, with sex. This week we're talking about creations stories from Egypt, West Africa, Greece, China, and Persia that have a lot in common with human sexual reproduction. And also some castration and puking, to boot. We've got your cosmic eggs, right here!


  1. This crash course was kind of interesting. Up until now, I did not know what the cosmic egg myth was. The idea that the world was made from an egg is a lot to digest, especially coming from a Catholic like myself. However, the cool thing about myths is that it's open for interpretation.

    Lourdes Madrigal

  2. Very weird but at that same time interesting crash course to watch. I had never heard of this so called "cosmic egg myth" and I actually thought it is pretty cool, although in my opinion I don't see how anyone is capable of believing in it. However, I have nothing against it or people who believe in it, that is what religion is about.

    Matheus Coelho

  3. It is funny to take these myths literally, actually even scary sometimes. But when trying to interpret them figuratively, it can be very interesting and makes your mind wonder... how did this world, this universe come to be, and why?

  4. By far the most interesting video yet. I loved learning about the different perspectives of origin, and no having it all be controlled by a god all these approaches took a natural cause as man created all else then followed with fellow man. It was also interesting to me that all the origins shared an aspect of pain.

  5. SUPERRRR weird crash course but very interesting at the same time. I had never heard a cosmic egg myth before. I found it to be pretty cool, espeically the Phan Ku story of yin and yang.

    Sydney Garcia

  6. Crash Course videos never fail to amaze me. They always explain what is being taught in an easy way to understand. This one was definitely a cool one to watch.
    Panther ID:5820958

  7. This video was actually quite funny. I have never heard the interpretation of the world being an egg. The cosmic egg myth, was what they like to say “the beginning” of the world, or how it hatched and came upon. I don't see how anyone could really think that this is the actual way that the earth came upon, but I guess it can be seen as a theory. Being part of a religion that believes the world came upon another way, I don't believe in this myth but it was interesting to hear about it.

    Luis Garcia B.
    PID: 5754979

  8. Crash course videos are some of my favorite videos to watch. They always talk so fast and when they want your attention they will make it known but continuing to talk fast or slowing down their speed.

  9. I have never heard of any of these myths, but I find them very interesting and funny. The interpretation that was given to each of them was not the one that first came up to my mind, but I can see how these myths can be seen from various points of view.
    Stephanie Schmatz ID 6023372
