Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Concept of God in Hinduism

Concept of God in Hinduism


  1. Very interesting, I didn't know that Hindu's all believe in one being. I always thought there were many.

  2. very informative, great video professor!

  3. Great video professor!! I took like David believed Hindu's believed in multiple instead of one!

  4. This video was very helpful in clearing out former misconceptions about Hinduism. I will definitely use this for future references.

  5. It's incredible to know how complex Hindu's system of deities and divine beings all work and interconnect. Very informative video about Hinduism.

  6. Well made video, loved the ideology behind it. Especially the quote "many names for the truth, does not mean many truths." Always been interested in Hinduism.

  7. I now have a much clearer of Hinduism as whole, very interesting. Loved the video!

  8. Great Video; presents the info in an efficient and creative way!
    One quote in particular which stood out to me, "many names, not many truths." This was similar to a quote from Ghandi which I included in my site visit paper. He said, " the essence of all religion is one, only their approaches are different." Interesting comparison!

  9. This video was very interesting to me, especially because I did my site visit at a Hindu Temple. One thought that was stressed at the visit, as well as in this video was "Hinduism gives us the freedom to approach God in our own way."

  10. I makes more sense now that he explains that all Hindus believe in one God, but due to the difference in languages in different parts of India, this "single God" has different names, it is not that there are many Gods. There is only one God with different names. Great post!

  11. I makes more sense now that he explains that all Hindus believe in one God, but due to the difference in languages in different parts of India, this "single God" has different names, it is not that there are many Gods. There is only one God with different names. Great post!

  12. i really enjoyed this videos, especially the statement said in the video, "truth has many names, but that does not make for many truths". i think it really captures the subjectivity of religious interpretation around the world

  13. I really liked how Hindus each have the opportunity of approaching God in their own way. There are not many gods but several ways to show your faith.

  14. Great video! Is interesting how each religion views their God differently, and how this prespective toward God influences their behavior.

  15. I like the photos in the video. It is so oriental and authentic. I did not know that Hindu believe in many gods that perform various functions.

  16. This video was wonderfully crafted and has been saved for future references. The only disheartening factor are the comments in the Youtube section of this video, skimming briefly it seems many are still confused as to what Hinduism and its beliefs consist of.

  17. I really loved this video because I love the Hindu religion. I find it so interesting that they believe in many gods.

  18. really interesting. there are so many aspects to hinduism i didnt know

  19. Hinduism is a religion I recently started actually learning about. After visiting a Hindu temple, I found myself appreciating their beliefs and what they hold sacred much more than before.

  20. Interesting video. I love how it explains the hindu ideals in a clear and concise way.

  21. I believe Hinduism to be one of the worlds most beautiful belief systems.

  22. Before watching this video I was kind of confused about Hinduism. Now that I know a little bit more, it is incredible to see how these people see God in different ways depending on the region they come from.

  23. Before watching this video I was kind of confused about Hinduism. Now that I know a little bit more, it is incredible to see how these people see God in different ways depending on the region they come from.

  24. I know very little about Hinduism and this video did a great job of informing me.

  25. I never really understood Hinduism or what their religion was truly about, but this video really informed me about their beliefs and religion.

  26. I never really understood Hinduism or what their religion was truly about, but this video really informed me about their beliefs and religion.
