Saturday, October 31, 2015

Global Awareness Perspectives Survey

Please help me evaluate the effectiveness of the Global Awareness portion of this course by taking this short survey

Create your own user feedback survey


  1. This survey will come in clutch to focus on the different movies that are effective. I have personally liked all that we have watched so far.

  2. I loved Gandhi! It's been my favorite so far!

  3. After taking this course, I believe I have appreciated other religions besides my own. After my site visit, I understood more about other peoples religion such as the temple I visited. Overall, this course has really helped me to become more aware and more informed about global issues.

  4. I think each of the movies we've seen so far paint a different aspect of the bigger picture. They really help to illustrate the concepts that are presented in the book.

  5. This course has helped me think differently about religion and the concepts surrounding it. I now understand why people chose to believe in something and how their beliefs impact their lives. watching the movies really puts everything into perspective and catches my attention more than the written assignments.

  6. Taking this course gave me a more new perspective of religion and the concepts and theory along it. I have never learned much about other religious beliefs before taking this course, so it helped me know about other religions. The site visit was an interesting assignment that I had a chance to visit some other religious place that I do not belong to.

  7. I think this course definitely helped me get a wider view of other worldwide religions as well as other cultures. I help me understood why sometimes there are conflicts between countries and religions

  8. I loved watching the movie Gandhi. By watching it, I learned a lot about him that I didn't know before.

  9. This was a great course! I am excited to take the world religion course next. It has really helped me appreciate other religons!

  10. Hopefully you will get some good feedback from this survey. I agree with Stephanie Cardelle, I learned a lot from this course!

  11. I learned a lot from this course! Great way to get some perspective on different cultures and religions.

  12. This course has really expanded my knowledge about the different religions we share the world with. I enjoyed seeing all the presentations and the films. My favorite was The Mission. It was a great film.

  13. I strongly agreed with every question. I learned so much from this course and would definitely take it again. Gandhi was a great film and I really enjoyed it.

  14. This course helped me get interest and become familiar with other religions. The movie Gandhi was my favorite!

  15. What an excellent way of getting feedback from the students! This is definitely one of my favorite courses of the semester.

  16. What I am most thankful about this class is that it finally pushed me to watch Malcom X and it has become one of my favorite films. It has led me to become more aware of others cultures and beliefs as well as to educate myself more in the movements behind religious practices. This has been a wonderful course.

  17. Really interesting course. I believe that the study of world religions should be a required course at FIU.

  18. I really enjoyed taking this class!! I didn't know I was going to learn so many interesting things about other religions. I also learned how important is to be aware of every religion, because now that we live in a globalized world where we make contact with people who have different beliefs, is good to know a little bit more about them. The class was very well organized; the movies and the assignments were very helpful to see clearly what was the class about.
