Monday, May 8, 2017

What is Religion?

Published on Sep 13, 2012
In this lecture we examine the role religion plays in the life of the individual; we are not concerned with the validity of any set of religious beliefs, nor the role of organized religion in society. Rather we build on the views of thinkers like William James, Wittgenstein, Dostoevsky, and Maslow to examine questions such as what exactly is religion?; why the central role in all civilizations throughout history?; what is the relationship between science and religion?; and can an atheist adhere to a religion?

To watch on Youtube click here


  1. This video is very informative. It gives viewers a clear description on what religion is.

  2. I liked how educational this video is, especially since I am an Atheist and could easily gain a perspective as to what religion is.

  3. Before the beginning of the class I didn't know what religion is really about. After the beginning of the class and watching this video I could say i have a clear understanding of what religion is and its real meaning.

  4. Really enjoyed this video, great content, and really puts the religion topic in perspective!

  5. Love the content of this video! It is very interesting.

  6. very structured video, it shows what religion is about, many people dont really know how to describe religion

  7. This video was very informative. I liked the fact that the narrator was able to inform his audience about the most important concepts of religion in a clear and concise manner.

  8. I found this video very informative. I think many people assume that they know about religion but actually they don't. This is why videos like this are important.

    PID: 4818955

  9. Loved the content of this video! Very interesting
